159 – Bridge the Gap Between Theory and Reality

We must put in the spiritual work necessary to make the theory of God into a personal reality. The hypothesis is that it is normal to go through cycles of crisis in which we discover the limitations of our faith, and that such times are the perfect environment in which to turn the theory of our beliefs into internalized truth. The experiment is to engage in activities that strengthen our understanding of the person of God, expose our own level of faith, and bring everything we think and feel back into the hands of our Heavenly Father.

1 comment

  1. This was great. This reminds me of Job. Tim Keller is exposing his walk of faith. Thanks for this reality check. Daily people all around us must draw in that deep breathe of GOD and believe in HIS lovigkindness. Blessing our individual journeys as we walk with GOD. Love you Jeremiah

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