In this episode, Jeremiah talks about intentionality and free will. The hypothesis is that your choices are directed by your personal values and principles. The experiment is to take ownership of your life by intentionally identifying your God-given personal values and choosing to live by them.
All posts tagged authenticity
122 – Authenticity, Self Honesty, and the Other-Centered Attitude
In this episode Jeremiah talks about authenticity. The hypothesis is that Christians who are authentic have an other-centered attitude. The experiment is to practice self honesty while being committed to the success of others.
107 – Authenticity and the Winnowing of the Self
Jeremiah examines the quest for personal authenticity. The hypothesis is that coming to a place of authenticity is a process of removing the things that are not us. The experiment is to first determine your willingness to follow Christ into authenticity, and then to be on the lookout for your actions and reactions that are…
91 – The Agenda of Love
In this episode, Jeremiah talks about our motivations in our relationships with others. The hypothesis is that our primary agenda in any relationship must be love. The experiment is to search our hearts to be honest about our motivations, and to practice making love our priority.
77 – A Year of the God Experiment (Many Cool Things)
Jeremiah celebrates the one year anniversary of The God Experiment by looking at some highlights from the episodes released in the last year. Sometimes it is helpful to take a step back and get a big-picture view of something. So prepare your mind and heart, because we’re going to talk about many cool things.
Interview with Pastor JJ on Pastoring, Evangelism, and the Church
In this episode Jeremiah has a conversation with a very cool guy who goes by the name Pastor JJ. We talked about his spiritual story, his experience as a pastor, the state of the Christian Church, evangelism, authenticity, predestination, and the blessings and challenges of social media.
Episode 21 – The Attitude of Performance Orientation
Jeremiah explores the destructive attitude of performance orientation. The hypothesis is that thinking we will only be loved if we perform correctly is diametrically opposed to the truth of God’s love. The experiment is to look for evidence of performance orientation in our own lives and then look to replace it with a genuine trust…
Episode 6 – Authenticity and Our Relationship With God
Click on the title to listen to episode 6 of The God Experiment.