Jeremiah speaks with Craig Gruenberg about his new book, “But is it Worship?” They touch on the main ideas in the book, and also discuss the foundational perspective of its approach, which speaks to the importance of being free to ask questions in a relationship with God. “But is it Worship” is now available on…
All posts tagged book review
115 – Review of “Forgotten God” By Francis Chan (Engage the Holy Spirit)
In this episode Jeremiah reviews and responds to the book “Forgotten God,” by Francis Chan. The book is about the Holy Spirit, and particularly about how the Holy Spirit has been neglected in the Western Christian Church. Regardless of the nature of your relationship with the Holy Spirit, this review should help you strengthen and…
Book Review: “Pagan Christianity” by Viola and Barna
In this book review, Jeremiah discusses “Pagan Christianity” by Frank Viola and George Barna.