In this episode, Jeremiah talks about the power of expectations. The hypothesis is that our expectations often end up defining our reality, and therefore directly affect our actions and reactions. The experiment is to ask God to show you where you harbor negative expectations, with the intent to be liberated from them.
All posts tagged expectation
140 – You Can’t Plan Out Your Relationship With God (The Model of Abraham)
In this episode Jeremiah talks about the organic nature of a relationship with God. The hypothesis is that planning out your spiritual life is a recipe for stagnation. The experiment is to examine where you’ve developed expectations regarding God’s promises, and to replace them with a daily exercise of listening to God.
35 – Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Reflections on Advent and Christmas
Jeremiah reads and responds to quotes from Dietrich Bonhoeffer regarding Advent and Christmas. This episode explores spiritual and theological ideas surrounding Advent and the incarnation, including waiting, silence, expectation, and participation.