In this episode, Jeremiah talks about the power of expectations. The hypothesis is that our expectations often end up defining our reality, and therefore directly affect our actions and reactions. The experiment is to ask God to show you where you harbor negative expectations, with the intent to be liberated from them.
All posts tagged freedom
124 – Be Encouraged by God’s Moving (Psalm 66)
In this episode, Jeremiah reads Psalm 66 and provides some encouragement. The hypothesis is that even in the darkest, most difficult times in our lives, God is moving. The experiment is to read Psalm 66 and recognize that God has acted on behalf of his people in the past, and will continue to do so…
24 – Christ’s Priority of Freedom
Christ’s self-stated mission was to set people free. The hypothesis of this episode is that we are liberated by God into a complete freedom. The experiment is to accept your spiritual freedom.