In this episode, Jeremiah talks about a positive attitude we can choose to have, regardless of our circumstances. The hypothesis is that we are invited to live in the faith, hope, and love of a relationship with our Father and Redeemer. The experiment is to accept this invitation and live in the dreamworld that is…
All posts tagged hope
101 – The Hopeful Expectation of Waiting and Watching
In this episode Jeremiah talks about an important attitude we must have in our relationship with God. The hypothesis is that an expectant hope in God is a spiritually healthy and creative approach to God in all seasons. The experiment is to replace our anxiety and uncertainty with the hopeful watching and waiting for God…
59 – Review of “Mere Christianity” by C. S. Lewis (Part 3)
Jeremiah reviews book 3 of Mere Christianity, by C. S. Lewis. This section of the book addresses such topics as Christian morality, the seven virtues, psychoanalysis, sexual morality, marriage, forgiveness, charity, hope, and faith. This is part 3 of a 4 part series.