The hypothesis of this episode is that there is often a gap between what we say and what we do, regardless of our best efforts. The experiment is to be honest with ourselves about where our actions do not line up with our beliefs, and to attempt to close that gap in our speech and…
All posts tagged honesty
161 – Maybe You Should be Mad at Yourself First
In this episode Jeremiah talks about self-honesty. The hypothesis is that we must first hold ourselves accountable for our problems, reactions, and emotions. The experiment is to explore and examine our reactions to discover their roots, and to bring them to God to ask for help and transformation.
154 – Stewardship, “Lord Lord,” Inward Truth, and Who Owns What
Jeremiah talks about the challenges we face when we determine to do God’s will. The hypothesis is that when we give something to God, we must know that we are merely stewards of it from that point on. The experiment is to examine the things you’ve given to God and ensure that you are not…
152 – Mourn When It’s Time to be in Mourning
Jeremiah talks about how we should relate to human emotion. The hypothesis is that we must we willing to mourn when it is a time of mourning, and that we should not avoid negative emotion. The experiment is to give yourself permission to feel what you feel, and to talk to God about it.
147 – The Twin Forces of Spiritual Prosperity: Openness and Honesty
Jeremiah talks about two principles that are necessary in your ongoing relationship with God. The hypothesis is that openness and honesty provide the necessary personal foundation for your proper responses to God’s communication. The experiment is to first gauge your openness and honesty and ask the Father for more.
134 – For Deeper Relationships, Include People in Your Process
Jeremiah talks about a simple principle that governs how deep our relationships will get. The hypothesis is that the act of sharing your questions, confusion, and challenges will lead to deeper relationships. The experiment is to choose to be vulnerable and allow people into your process of seeking God and finding your way in life.
122 – Authenticity, Self Honesty, and the Other-Centered Attitude
In this episode Jeremiah talks about authenticity. The hypothesis is that Christians who are authentic have an other-centered attitude. The experiment is to practice self honesty while being committed to the success of others.
107 – Authenticity and the Winnowing of the Self
Jeremiah examines the quest for personal authenticity. The hypothesis is that coming to a place of authenticity is a process of removing the things that are not us. The experiment is to first determine your willingness to follow Christ into authenticity, and then to be on the lookout for your actions and reactions that are…
88 – Transformative Honesty
The hypothesis of this episode is that when we are honest with God, we build a relationship of trust which allows God to move in transformative ways. The experiment is to take time everyday to speak truthfully to the Heavenly Father about the deeper things in your heart. The God Experiment is a podcast dedicated…
86 – Everyday Covenants and Interest Satisfaction
Jeremiah talks about one of the basic building blocks of our relationships with God and others. The hypothesis is that in a healthy relationship, all wants and needs are discussed directly. The experiment is to communicate your interests and listen for the interests of the others.