Jeremiah talks about being sensitive and responsive to God’s voice. The hypothesis is that it doesn’t always make sense when God directs us in our lives. The experiment is to respond to His leading, regardless of our level of understanding. This episode also discusses how The God Experiment will no longer be a weekly podcast.
All posts tagged listening
183 – Some Qualities of God’s Communication to Humanity
In this episode Jeremiah talks about the voice of God. The hypothesis is that communications from God maintain certain qualities that help us recognize them as being genuinely divine in nature. The experiment is to review recent revelations or spiritual experiences to ensure that they were, indeed, from God, by the Holy Spirit.
182 – Who Do You Think You Are?
Jeremiah talks about our self-conception. The hypothesis is that we should not take for granted that our current sense of identity is, in fact, God’s current definition of who we are. The experiment is to tell the Heavenly Father what you think about yourself, and ask Him to speak to you anew.
172 – A Case Study in Listening and Responding to the Will of the Father
Jeremiah talks about following the leading of God in his life. Rather than giving a hypothesis, Jeremiah presents a case study from his own life as an example of his process of listening and responding to God’s voice. The experiment is to apply this case study to your own relationship with God, however and whenever…
162 – The Religious and the Relational: A Conversation
Jeremiah talks with his dad about the religious and relational approaches to Christianity. They agree that God makes a way for everyone to know Him, both in and out of the liturgical context. This conversation includes such topics as listening, worship, creativity, and the challenges of a relationship with God.
156 – Toxic Positivity: A Conversation
Jeremiah talks with his friend Lauren about the concept of “toxic positivity.” This intriguing idea suggests that knee-jerk positivity and the prioritization of problem-solving are not healthy ways to address someone’s emotional needs. Rather, we should assume a Christlike approach which validates people as being worthy of our time and attention, and expresses our love…
147 – The Twin Forces of Spiritual Prosperity: Openness and Honesty
Jeremiah talks about two principles that are necessary in your ongoing relationship with God. The hypothesis is that openness and honesty provide the necessary personal foundation for your proper responses to God’s communication. The experiment is to first gauge your openness and honesty and ask the Father for more.
140 – You Can’t Plan Out Your Relationship With God (The Model of Abraham)
In this episode Jeremiah talks about the organic nature of a relationship with God. The hypothesis is that planning out your spiritual life is a recipe for stagnation. The experiment is to examine where you’ve developed expectations regarding God’s promises, and to replace them with a daily exercise of listening to God.
138 – You Never Asked… (Seeking God With Clarifying Questions)
In this episode, Jeremiah talks about not being embarrassed when asking God for help. The hypothesis is that it is not an act of doubt to ask for more clarity, and that is is a positive thing to doublecheck on what you think you heard from God. The experiment is to approach the throne of…
137 – Don’t Fight the Positive
Jeremiah talks about how we must put in the work to properly accept God’s blessings. The hypothesis is that it is too easy to expect the negative and reject the positive. The experiment is to put in the effort to accept God’s love as it is expressed in compliments and blessings.