Jeremiah talks with his dad about two ideas surrounding worship. The first is the view of worship as being primarily a liturgical (or Church-based) expression. The second involves the use of music in personal devotional times, including an example of singing the Scriptures aloud.
All posts tagged Church
164 – Interview with Pastor Josh of River City Church
Jeremiah interviews Pastor Josh of River City Church. The conversation begins with Pastor Josh’s story, and includes such topics as humility, Church leadership, the need for solitude and silence, discipleship to Jesus Christ, spiritual formation, and definitions of Christian success.
160 – Meeting and Seeking God: A Conversation
Jeremiah talks with his friend Charles about his spiritual story. This conversation includes such topics as: spiritual experiences, worship, the person of Jesus, dedication to God, and the Church.
158 – Salvation, Identity, and Grace: A Conversation
Jeremiah speaks with his friend John about his salvation experience and the recent formative moments in his relationship with God. This discussion includes such topics as the Person of Jesus, Christian identity, the importance of grace, issues in the Christian Church, and the pivotal necessity of helping others.
132 – Review of “Letters to a Devastated Christian,” by Gene Edwards
Jeremiah reviews the book “Letters to a Devastated Christian,” by Gene Edwards. The book contains a number of letters written by the author to a Christian who had been traumatized by his participation in an authoritarian Christian church. The book addresses why authoritarianism appears in many different Christian circles, as well as what the devastated…
127 – Reexamining Jesus’ Resurrection and Prophecy in the Church: A Conversation
Jeremiah speaks with regular contributor Lewis Brown. Topics include the relational exchange that God wants with his people, the resurrection of Jesus as a foretaste of the redemption of creation, and the biblical view of the role of prophecy in the Church. Cool stuff!
115 – Review of “Forgotten God” By Francis Chan (Engage the Holy Spirit)
In this episode Jeremiah reviews and responds to the book “Forgotten God,” by Francis Chan. The book is about the Holy Spirit, and particularly about how the Holy Spirit has been neglected in the Western Christian Church. Regardless of the nature of your relationship with the Holy Spirit, this review should help you strengthen and…
Interview with Pastor JJ on Pastoring, Evangelism, and the Church
In this episode Jeremiah has a conversation with a very cool guy who goes by the name Pastor JJ. We talked about his spiritual story, his experience as a pastor, the state of the Christian Church, evangelism, authenticity, predestination, and the blessings and challenges of social media.
Book Review: “Pagan Christianity” by Viola and Barna
In this book review, Jeremiah discusses “Pagan Christianity” by Frank Viola and George Barna.